Professional Video Editor

Advertising and marketing videos play a vital role in a company’s brand identity. These videos are made to provide information and persuade any potential buyers as well as other audiences that may have a relevant interest in the product or services offered. Having marketing videos increase the chances of greater sales and marketing.

With great content comes great engagement

With great content comes great engagement

What makes Webaider different from other video editing services is we make good preparation with the video needed for it to be more attractive and engaging. Videos are made by specialists that have both experience and skills in all fields. 


Creative execution with which the viewer lives the duration of the video presentation

A professional video implementation method that ignites the viewer’s mind and brings his passion to complete the video in a professional presentation using the most powerful video editing and design programs.

Graphic designers
Let the audience know you more and motivate them to be real customers

Let the audience know you more and motivate them to be real customers

New brands gain 90% of their customers from promotional videos. The easiest way to gain new buyers is through marketing videos.

Designing a marketing video is one of the best ways to attract visitors to your website and convert them into customers. Where visitors can learn about your company and the products and services you provide through the video. The experts at Webaider offer the best in content management and video design solutions.

What services do we provide?

  • Creating videos for social media content to increase brand identity and engagement
  • Producing Introductory video for promoting and maintaining the brand identity of new and old businesses
  • Making product demonstrations as walkthroughs for better understanding and building interest in the market
  • Using motion graphics, animation, or VFX to make videos more entertaining
  • Color Correction to fit the theme
  • Zoom meeting and podcast video edits

Requirements to make a video

1. A specific visualization or examples of videos that you may have liked and would like to do a similar job

2. Determine the goal and main idea of the video.

3. Submit your videos or presets

4. Send your logo in PNG format or an open file.

Would you like to start a project with us?

We can help you bring your ideas to life. Let’s talk about what we can build and raise together.